Faculty of Science


Experiment Numer of students Institute Type
Experimental laboratory exercises where the students plan their own exercises 100 Department of Biology  In the Lab 

Chemestry students write brief essays in mathematics reports, inspried by guest lectures on how mathematics is used in chemestry research

80 Department of Chemistry In text
Sensory Evaluation of Food

80  Department of Food Science In the Lab 
Athletics, Physical Training and Outdoor Activities (Only in Danish) 110 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports In the Lab
Experimental Mathematics (Only in Danish) 28
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
In the Lab
Nano 1 - Introduction to Nanoscience (only in Danish)
50 Department of Chemistry  In the Lab
Quantum Mechanics 100 Niels Bohr Institute  In the Lab


Experiement Number of students Institute Type
Advanced Topics in Human-Centered Computing (ATHCC) 26 Department of Computer Science In the Lab
Applied Microbiology 33 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences  In the Lab
Environment and Development  22 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management In the Lab 
Extracurricular activity 5 Department of Food and Resource Economics In the Lab
Protein Research Lab (Only in Danish) 16 Department of Biology In the Lab
Experimental Mathematics (Only in Danish) 28
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
In the Lab
Urban Forestry Urban Greening 26 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management In the field 
Quantum Mechanics 100 Niels Bohr Institute In the Lab