Students working as researchers
Students help mapping the number of stray cats
Hear students from the Bachelor's programme in Veterinary Medicine talking about integrating research in teaching
Students as sparring partners: There is more at stake when you are not alone
Hear students from the Bachelor's programme in Middle Eastern languages and society (Persian) talking about integrating research in teaching
Conversations between Spanish and Danish students contributes to research in the intercultural encounter
Hear students from the Bachelor's programme in Spanish talking about integrating research in teaching
Students help getting research out in the world
Hear students from the Master's programme in Medince and Technology talking about integrating research in teaching
Students contribute to the development of methods to lower antibiotic consumption in calves
Hear students from the Master's programme in Veterinary Medicine talking about integrating research in teaching
Students help finding a cure for diseased chestnut trees
Hear students from the Master's programme in Biology talking about integrating research in teaching